About Jungle Jim Hunter
Dare to be your VERY BEST!
Jim Hunter grew up in an average home, on an average farm, outside an average town in rural Saskatchewan.
He was very good in school and completed grades 3 & 4 in one year and then grades 5 & 6 the following year. Jim was known not only for academics but his athletic and musical abilities as well. He was a leader on his hockey team and loved to sing at community events, in churches, or anywhere he was asked.
In the spring of his 10th year a huge change was about to happen in Jim's life. He was having a great time jumping on his bed, attempting a back flip, when he missed the bed entirely and suffered a severe concussion. Jim woke up after a long coma but couldn’t remember anything. Life was starting all over again and everything had to be relearned. People treated him differently. Some were kind while others treated him as severely handicapped but inside a young Jim felt like he could do anything.
The long rehab in the hospital awoke many new thoughts and ideas. He was reintroduced to books in an effort to "catch up" and he worked hard to see what he could accomplish. It was as if he was on a mission. His family was concerned because his enthusiasm was so voracious. They were worried he might hit his head one more time and not make it. He was without fear or limits. Although Jim wanted to live and be accepted, he found much rejection.
Everyone he met thought he was never going to amount to anything but Jim dared to be the best he could be. At the age of eleven, this Saskatchewan prairie boy took up skiing. He later joined the Canadian Men’s Alpine Ski Team and developed a highly unorthadox style of training out at the farm. In 1969 he earned the nickname “Jungle Jim” with his aggressive style on the slopes and in 1972 at the Olympic Games in Sapporo Japan "Jungle Jim" won a bronze medal in alpine skiing. This was the first World Championship medal in alpine skiing won by a Canadian male skier.
In his passion to learn more, he continually studied and wrote in his journal. Jim noticed there were certain things that every person did to be the best version of themselves. These principles were applicable to life and could be applied universally.
Jim retired from the Canadian ski team in March of 1977 but armed with his new insights for success, he went on to compete as a professional on the World Pro Ski Tour. "Jungle Jim" won the first ever downhill event held on the tour and led his Pro Team for 4 years. He helped a small sporting goods company with marketing strategies taking the company from middle of the pack performance to number one in every category. Inspired by his new-found success, he presented a way to help sport in Canada and give back 10 times what had been invested into his career. He managed the most successful Olympic Torch Relay in history raising millions of dollars for sport and its sponsors in Canada. He worked as a sport broadcaster from 1978 to 1992, published a book, wrote and directed two films and helped CTV win awards in sport broadcasting.
In 1989 Jim embarked on his speaking career and to date has made over 3000 presentations to schools, corporations, and conferences. He’s trained athletes in sport and in public speaking, teaching them what to grow and develop in pursuit of their dreams and aspirations.
YOU can let people decide what you are capable of or YOU can determine what you are capable of.
Apply Jim's principles and be all you can be. Will you take his personal DARE to be you’re very best?